Tag Archives: Marilyn Celeste Morris

Two decisions made today


One of the decisions made today was to continue working on the sequel to The Unexplored Heart, which will be titled, After Camelot: Esther;s Quest, starring the intrepid Esther Wooster, wife of the world-famous archaeologist, Sir Charles Wooster. What the world does not know is that Esther Wooster is his trusted researcher; else he might go off on a tangent, seeking out treasures that might not even exist.

When I typed “the end” on that manuscript, Esther Wooster barged into my office and settled her corpulent body in my visitor’s chair. Clutching her voluminous portfolio in her chubby hands, she told me straight off: “You just think you’re finished with me. Now you must write a book about me.”

Well, Esther is not one to be ignored. I assured her I would do just that. And now the end is nearing for ESTHER’S OWN BOOK, and I have just a few more chapters to revise and finish.

There is another lady of letters who also demands my attention. I am still in a first draft stage of what I will title, Fletcher, Grace Nies Fletcher and Me.  And Mrs. F;etcher is also demanding my attention.

So, what to do? I will finish my sequel, first. Then, Mrs. Fletcher’s book.

My second decision was almost made for me. A techie, I am not. I couldn’t even find my blogs on blogspot today. It appears that google has hijacked my blogs and i can’t find them. So I’m returning to wordpress, where I had had difficulty before; as an online friend pointed out, “I don’t think wordpress likes you.” She was right. I had a hard time getting my posts to actually, well, post. They seemed to vanish in the thin air.

So why am I returning? Do i enjoy being tortured? No, it’s just because Hope springs eternal that I can actually create and manage a blog without going through all the heartache of technology.

the unexplored heart

You can see a blurb and ordering information at:

The Unexplored Heart  $12.99 

 Impoverished but proud Vanessa Danforth is forced from he mother’s home by her new stepfather’s treachery in 1860s England.

After graduating from stenographer’s school, she accepts a position at the estate of famed world explorer, Harrison Courtland.

Made a widower by his wife’s tragic death in the Himalayas, Courtland has retreated into his work, while Vanni forges friendships with his daughter Katrin and the handsome physician from the neighboring estate.

As Vanni encourages Courtland to unearth the ancient ruins at the edge of his property she discovers not only a stunning secret and a hidden treasure, but also her own heart’s desire.


Kindle Link: $4.99
